Bouffant Quickie Tutorial

This is a very quick, very achievable look for most hair types. 
All you need is a Tail comb 99c,

Backcombing brush €1.49,

A few Hairpins €1.90,

A lot of hairspray….. My favourite is Elnett €10.95

  • Step 1:  Pull a section about 1 inch thick away from your face and backcomb with your tail comb until 2/3 of the way down the hair.
  • Step 2:  Take another section and backcomb the exact same amount and continue this process back to the crown of your head.  Feel free to sprinkle a little bit of Osis Dust it as you go, I didn’t but it’s great for extra staying power.
  • Step 3:  Take 2-3 sections and backcomb them going from forehead to ears.
  • Step 4:  Using your backcombing brush smooth the top layer of your backcombing and pin at the back of your head.
  • Step 5:  Use the end of your tail comb to shape your bouffant and finish with a load of hairspray.

Here’s a quick video to show you how it’s done start to finish: