Ireland Am- Rita Ora Hair

We had so much fun this morning on Ireland AM recreating my favourite of Rita Ora’s X-factor looks.  ‘The Hun’ or ‘half bun’ has become a popular style with The Kardashians, Arianna Grande, Catt Sadler and now Rita Ora.

We put out an appeal for an Ireland AM viewer willing to come onto the show to recreate an X-factor look and we were inundated with people.  It wasn’t a hard decision to make as you can see, the beautiful Naomie Shortt is quite a ringer for Rita Ora.

Here is a link to the video followed by a step by step on how to recreate the look yourself:

Link to Tv3Player

Step 1:  Luscious, frizz free hair is crucial for this look as it is very polished looking so always start with a good foundation when washing your hair. I used Mane n’ Tail Original shampoo and conditioner to start with and blowdried straight.

Step 2:  Section the hair from ear to ear and pull into a tight ponytail on the top of your head. Smooth the sides upwards using Gel or a light wax, I have used Matrix design pulse get action wax for this.

Step 3:  Spray sides using Hairspray to keep it super sleek, I like to use L’Oreal Elnett.

Step 4:  Wrap ponytail around your bobbin into a tight bun and pin the bun to your head.

Step 5: Spritz the ends with a heat protection spray I used Mane n’ Tail herbal essentials spray and curl the ends, using a big barrel wand or an Instyler.  I have used the big barrel 32mm Instyler. Finish with plenty of hairspray.



    • It was so great to have you Naomie, subscribe to my website and you tube channel for all the latest hair tutorials!

  1. Hi Tori, I saw you on Ireland Am and was wondering what wand you had? I know you had the instyler but I was actually wondering what the wand was and would you recommend it ? Thanks in advance!

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